From the January 2010 Idaho Observer: Charter Schools, a better idea?by Holly Haywood“It is important to realize that, at bottom, the charter-school movement is a repudiation of the principle of taxation with representation.” --James Payne, Sandpoint, 2000 The school “choice” movement, including charter schools, is distinctly un-American; so, why is it gaining support from so many who have given lip-service to representative government? What on earth is going on? Last month, Darrel Deide, chairman of Idahoans for Choice in Education, an organization dedicated to the expansion of humanistic government education under the guise of “choice,” referred to “a new study by Caroline Hoxby, a Stanford University economist,” showing the success of charter schools. Deide did not mention that according to the study, Hoxby is associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a Rockefeller funded organization. Another “Principle Investigator” of the study, Jenny Kang, is also listed as associated with the NBER, along with a statement which includes, “We gratefully acknowledge grant and administrative help from staff of the National Bureau of Economic [Research].” Former NBER Director, Paul McCracken, was a member of the Rockefellers’ Trilateral Commission, according to Trilaterals over Washington, by Antony Sutton, a British-born economist, historian, and writer whose mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. While all this might not seem significant to Deide, it should be rather important to those concerned about America’s slide toward a one world government. Briana LeClaire, President of the Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families, and also a Director of the Idaho Freedom Foundation “free-market” think tank, is listed as a contact person on a July 3, 2009, news release from the Coalition, entitled, “Report: Idaho Risks Loss of Federal Education Funding.” The release stated that Idaho’s cap on charter schools “places it at risk of elimination from the pool of states competing for $5 billion in federal Department of Education ‘Race to the Top’ funds.” LeClaire supports cap elimination, saying that would put Idaho “back into the competition” for its share of the $5 billion in government money--an interesting “free market” attitude, for sure. On July 11, 2008, Briana LeClaire, writing on the “Why Palouse Prairie” blog, extolled school “choice,” and said, “Idaho’s largest school district, Meridian...will offer an International Baccalaureate high school starting this fall.”
About International BaccalaureatWhat??!! Does LeClaire consider the International Baccalaureate program to be a good “choice” option?In Dec., 2005, Tom DeWeese, in an article posted on, wrote that the International Baccalaureate (IB) program was “created by the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),” is now in hundreds of American public schools, “and the federal Department of Education is helping to fund it.” UNESCO was itself founded by Fabian socialist Julian Huxley, according to the article, “International Baccalaureate Program: Training the Global Citizen,” from Education Reporter, A June, 2007 article on the Eagle Forum web site, “Terrorism as Taught by International Baccalaureate,” states, “Today IB [International Baccalaureate] is essentially an arm of UNESCO, and when American schools join IB, they agree that IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization)-UNESCO will train the teachers, write the curriculum, compose the important tests (which are sent to Geneva, Switzerland, for scoring), and dictate the values, attitudes and worldview that will be taught to the students.... “IBO says that it endorses the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Article 26 of (UDHR) says education shall further the activities of the United Nations. This means that IBO agrees to promote and teach all the activities of the UN, including treaties and documents America has not signed such as the UDHR, the Treaty on the Rights of the Child, Kyoto, the UN Treaty on Biodiversity, the Earth Charter, and the treaty establishing the UN Criminal Court, to name just a few.... “The values of IBO are hostile to America’s foundational principles including real truth and morality.” Yet another Education Reporter article, “IB Schools in U.S. Under U.N. Law (International Baccalaureate: An Analysis of Jurisdiction)” concludes, “It is evident that the IB programs available to students are not within the actual control of the state, but that of a foreign body that can amend its laws as they see fit or, more correctly, at the determination of the United Nations’ legal branch....” For further explanation of what is really going on regarding education “reform” and school “choice,” check out Stephen Yates’ articles, including his 2006 paper, “Sustainable Development: The Hidden Threat to Liberty” (Public-Private Partnerships, the Undermining of Free Enterprise, and the Emergence of “Soft Fascism”). He says, “Education, unsurprisingly, is a preoccupation of elite groups....” and he refers to the educational programs that “‘school’ [i.e. indoctrinate] students to fit the needs of the ‘global economy’ seen as an autonomous, COLLECTIVE endeavor, instead of educating individuals to find their own ways in the world, shaping the economy to meet THEIR needs.” In Part 2 of Yates’ recent four-part article on, “Four Cardinal Errors That Almost Destroyed America,” which addresses education, he writes, “The most sensible immediate antidote for us as individuals is not to allow our children anywhere near a government school.” -Charter, International Baccalaureate, or otherwise. |
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